One of the biggest challenges
facing public companies is how to respond when blindsided by an unexpected
article, research report or blog post questioning their business.
With no widely
accepted playbook for how to respond to investor attacks, public companies are
choosing to address allegations in different ways.
One of the most effective recent
responses came from Focus Media (ticker: FMCN).
After research firm MuddyWaters released a scathing report, Focus responded by (a) issuing a number of press releases rebutting the allegations, (b) conducting a lengthy investor conference call, (c) buying back stock, and (d) taking to China’s Twitter service to allay
As a result, the stock
Today, when attacked, public
companies’ first step has been to issue a press release.
Some companies use that press
release to respond respectfully -- demonstrating that they’re taking the
allegations seriously. (EDU)
Other companies use that
press release to attack short sellers as a whole in an effort to discredit the
source. (OMEX)
Some companies post detailed
responses addressing each and every allegation. (NQ)
Others simply conduct “special” investor
calls to discuss their business with barely a mention that the company is under
attack. (OPK)
Some companies choose to
identify the attacking report or blog. (EBIX)
And, in some very rare
instances, companies ignore the attacker outright and instead use interviews to
spread their message that everything remains in good shape. (OPK)
Ultimately, however the press
release is the key starting point.
Most every company follows
that initial press release with a public conference call due to the volume of investor
They also provide transcripts of those calls on their IR websites. (OMEX)
You rarely if ever see a public company going directly to its attacker’s blog or site and posting a response.
For it’s obvious to public companies that such a move doesn’t scale their message as does a press release disseminated through Yahoo! Finance quote pages.
With resources limited IR pros are wise to recognize that such a move simply doesn't make any sense.
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